代表取締役社長 守谷慎一郎
運賃の適用方より抜粋 - 東京都観光汽船株式会社(2007年1月26日改正)
運賃の適用方より抜粋 - 東京都観光汽船株式会社(2019年1月1日改正)
販売業者 | 東京都観光汽船株式会社 |
代表取締役 | 守谷 慎一郎 |
所在地 | 〒111-0033 東京都台東区花川戸1-1-1 |
電話番号 | 03-3841-9177 |
販売URL | http://www.suijobus.co.jp/ |
支払方法 | クレジットカード、振込 |
販売価格 | 別途料金表に記載 |
消費税 | 税込 |
商品引渡時期 | お客様のご予約の日時 |
返品等について | 別途キャンセルポリシーに記載 |
The followings are the Company’s measures for the protection of personal information.
Personal data is information regarding individuals. This data indicates names, addresses, age, gender, E-mail addresses, pictures and other information that is included with said information and can identify a certain individual.
When collecting personal information, the company clearly indicates its purposes for usage based on prior consent, and the information is limited to the smallest amount of data essential to provide the requested service.
The company will not disclose personal information to third parties, with the following exceptions.
In order to provide its customers with improved service, cookies may be used on websites maintained by the company. Cookies does not store any personal information. Company will use the persistent cookies to provide the customers a more personalized
Company has the right to change the contents of service, discontinue the service upon maintenance check or on the occurrence of any event of Force Majeure without advanced notice to the users. Company will review and improve its measures for the protection of personal information on an ongoing basis according to the law.
Every effort has been made to ensure that information contained on this website is correct, however information may be subject to changes, additions or deletions due to circumstances.
Company accepts no liability for the personal information of customers on third party websites that are linked to websites maintained by the Company.